Max and Miles who, to Me, Will Always be Secretly Named "Gus"

The blog about Max and his little brother, Miles. Stunningly cute boys and future leaders of the rebel forces.

Friday, March 07, 2008

General Demeanor

There are a number of things you could do to Miles to get him to smile. You could look at him; you could breathe; you could pick him up; you could put him down; you could change his diaper; you could not change his diaper. All of this would be fine with Miles and he'd say, "Grrriiinnn."

This is a disturbingly agreeable baby. If this baby were a guard dog, he'd be the guard dog that wags his tail at the dudes as they cart off Dad's spacebar-less computer and his dusty collection of MD players.

He's the kind of baby that--as much as any second baby tells you that you really don't need a third baby--makes you think, "Mmmmmm. . . perhaps another cute, possibly female one, wouldn't be so bad. We could do it!"

Then, you look down and realize you're driving to work in a state of sleep-deprived pantlessness, and realize: two babies is plenty.


Blogger klineola said...

as they cart off Dad's spacebar-less computer and his dusty collection of MD players.

Wait a second! I've been really careful not to get clay on your Sharp MD101111something...Preserve the MD collection for the boys. It's going to be like 8-track someday! The boys are looking good.

9:54 AM  

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